The _art_________ FinTech.

1. April, 19 Uhr. Jetzt vorregistrieren

Dividend withholding tax:

The famous headace turned into a delightful win-win situation.

More cash for your client.
In the very least, more gratification at work.

Tax Consultants & AuditorsWealth Managers, Family Offices, and Foundations
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Tax Consultants & Auditors

More cash for your client.

In the very least, more gratification at work.

But first, let’s face it:

When it comes to reclaiming foreign withholding tax from dividend-paying stocks, many accountants tend to step into unfamiliar terrain.

Frankly speaking, traditional education doesn’t really cover it. Certainly not in a thorough international context – going into the various necessary particulars of how every country practices their own tax regulations.

Software programs, like DATEV, also don’t offer any help in dealing with the task-at-hand – having been designed, after all, to mainly handle domestic tax affairs.


So, the eventual outcome?

Businesses with a conscience (just the slightest degree) often suggest skipping the reclaim of their clients’ dividend withholding taxes.

In many cases, the ridiculous amount of human labor would simply outweigh the potential refund. Potential, yes – for who knows if your application gets actually accepted in the end. More often than not, manually-submitted reclaims are likely to be flawed – therefore rejected.

Even if you yourself have done your job right, a great one, in fact, have done all your homework even in regards to that recently minisculely-altered tax law in – let’s say – Italy, mistakes from outside sources still may sneak in. Misreported dividend amounts on behalf of the bank or even the dividend-company itself is a favorite one.

Fortunate for all – especially your clients, for they will certainly be the ones to notice the growing number on their bank account – there’s Divizend, in tow with its Maximizer:

The world’s most charming, error-proof automated reclaim tool that ensures every dividend withholding tax application is submitted successfully. Since it cross-checks the heck out of everything. At the same time, promising you’ll have fun doing it.



Because reclaiming your clients’ taxes has never been such a gratifying experience.

Might sound a bit over the top, but we, dividend investors and business owners ourselves, and thus, well familiar with the drag of recovering ones’ withholding taxes, fully, wholeheartedly, mean it.

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Withholding tax refund


There’s just no other tool like this out there

Which is of course why we spend all this time building and designing it;

Would we not have been so frustrated by the antiquated – in other words, convoluted – systems sweeping the global stratosphere, pointlessly eating up our precious time, we would have gladly spent these precise hours doing something else – Would have focused on stocks, for one.

In your case, a tax consultant:

You’d probably much rather concentrate your energy on the actual exciting part of the job:
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Devise clever – creative – tax strategies for your clients that help boost their financial wealth.

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Not tackle paperwork.

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Or wrestle around with softwares won’t allow complete portfolio imports.

Focused work

Being a bank-independent platform, supporting too multibanking,

Divizend’s Maximizer eliminates these kinds of precise hassles that arise during the application procedure.

It doesn’t matter the complexity of your clients’ investment situation – if they have multiple portfolios spread across multiple banks, or possess one single holding – the Maximizer pulls in all the necessary information from whatever financial institution(s), then generates and fills out the required tax reclaim forms, and then – after having your overall consent and signature; no worries, you always stay captain of your ship – submits the application digitally. Country by country.


That’s right.

On your Divizend’s handsome, lucid Maximizer dashboard, smoothly swipe from country to country – Denmark, France, etc. – and, in the form of a snapshot, see where your client is eligible to receive refunds from. Once having imported the account(s) of a client, our synchronization option let’s you stay on top of the game. Any kind of activities – within the portfolio(s); tax authority – will be detected and processed.

Meaning: nothing stands in the way of a smooth error-free reclaim. A step-by-step process that, btw, will have taken place all this while in your mother-tongue. Or whatever language you feel like practicing.

Maximizer Dashboard

Another “detail,” more so a life-saver, that’ll most likely make your day is our seamless enmeshment with DATEV

During onboarding, all financial data from your clients – no matter the volume; always, we’ll handle it – is automatically transferred into Divizend’s ecosystem. Its interface then manifests every client account in perfect order: a neat landscape, actually, similar to that of DATEV’s online overview of checking accounts; just clearer – serene. Accessible via any web-browser – consequently requiring no installation – easily include team members and clients in certain steps alongside the reclaim process, however you see fit.

Clarity and transparency in all dimensions, and certainly a great way to build up trust and communication between your coworkers and clients.

Portfolio Stats

Handling taxes.

Not in our most pleasant dreams

Did we imagine it would turn out this profitable on everybody’s end.

Coming to pricing

Our platform is perfectly tailored according to your individual situation.

Generally speaking, we work on a success-oriented basis – a percentage fee the refund amounts. We are open to other pricing models. Simply get in touch –

We look forward to hearing from you.

Contact us now
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Wealth Managers, Family Offices, and Foundations